Singapore 'fake news' law: First correction direction issued against Malaysia-based group
Singapore 'fake news' law: First correction direction issued against Malaysia-based group
Singapore's fake news law has been invoked against a Malaysia-based group for the first time. Lawyers for Liberty, a non-governmental organisation, had claimed on Jan 16 that Changi Prison practises unlawful methods in judicial executions.

Singapore 'fake news' law: First correction direction issued against Malaysia-based group

The Singapore Home Affairs Ministry said the statement contains untrue and baseless allegations. The ministry said the group falsely asserted that a brutal execution procedure is carried out whenever the rope for hanging breaks. It clarified that the rope has never broken before. It said all judicial executions in Singapore are carried out in strict compliance with the law. Government website Factually has more information on the falsehoods. 

Singapore Government PAP group having stayed in power for over 60 years without allowing the existence of any strong opposition be it political parties or New Media Outlets, for over three decades Singapore Government has been well known to supress dissent and sue all opponents be in political oppositions or news media outlets for defamation suits and has won compensations from them. 

Now Singapore government have a New Fake-News Law to their advantage.

Singapore Government PAP group having stayed in power for over 60 years without any strong opposition and known to sue opponents and newspapers for defamation suits has a Fake News Law to their advantage.

Singapore Government PAP group having stayed in power for over 60 years without any strong opposition and known to sue opponents and newspapers for defamation suits has a Fake News Law to their advantage.

Podcast: Sued for sharing a Facebook Post in Singapore

Defamation 101: with Lim Tean & Winston

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