India don’t like it. USA Navy announced in advance to Turkey.
India don’t like it. USA Navy announced in advance to Turkey.
Two U.S Warships To Arrive In Black Sea Amid UKRAINE-RUSSIA Tensions, US could send WARSHIPS to Black Sea to front-up to Russian threat near Ukraine

Two U.S Warships To Arrive In Black Sea Amid UKRAINE-RUSSIA Tensions

India don’t like it! Don’t ask me?

The US Department of Defense (DoD) released its annual Freedom of Navigation (FON) Report for 2020 on March 10, 2021. These reports identify the broad range of excessive maritime claims that are challenged by the US government. “This year… US forces challenged 28 different excessive maritime claims made by 19 different claimants throughout the world,” the State Department said in a statement on March 16.

DoD’s operational challenges, also known as FONOPs, are designed to challenge coastal state maritime claims that unlawfully restrict navigation and overflight rights and freedoms and other internationally lawful uses of the sea related to these freedoms guaranteed in international law as reflected in the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention, the statement added.

US could send WARSHIPS to Black Sea to front-up to Russian threat near Ukraine
Digital Nomad

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