Chinese Billionaire spills the beans on China CCP virus plans and more Miles Guo: The chemical defense forces ready in Shanghai
Chinese Billionaire spills the beans on China CCP virus plans and more Miles Guo: The chemical defense forces ready in Shanghai
CCP little napoleons have been running amok, from threatening nations in the South China Sea from the military making loads of money selling PPE and Masks while blaming Americans for the Coronavirus; here Chinese billionaire in exile spills the beans.

【English Subtitle】April 9th 2020 Miles Guo: The chemical defense forces ready in Shanghai Part I

【English Subtitle】April 12th 2020 Miles Guo: Recent changes in the pandemics Part II

【English Subtitle】April 15th 2020 Miles Guo :The time to wipe out the CCP by law Rico Act Hawley Act

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