Its all about traffic and traffic is growing.
Its all about traffic and traffic is growing.
Its all about traffic and traffic is growing. Snapwire Breaking News Traffic News. How digital traffic can signal away thoughts and perceptions of the population and how these drive the next directional bias of the global populace, just like in socioeconomic studies, economic trends are driven by directional bias, directly influenced by perception bias.

its all about traffic.

Its all about traffic and traffic is growing.  

Snapwire Breaking News Traffic News. 

How digital traffic can signal away thoughts and perceptions of the population and how these drive the next directional bias of the global populace, just like in socioeconomic studies, economic trends are driven by directional bias, directly influenced by perception bias. 

The browsers these days are consuming more and more memory, for a webpage to function its two of us to make it work, your browser and the server. 

isn't your access also part of the problem.

The demand is just growing, for more knowledge and the basis of this expansion is seen is in the memory and capacity increase of new models and therefore, humans are also rapidly evolving in the digital environment. Very good times beckons, a rally similar like the start in the sixties.

The super devices of connectivity to the world are increasingly becoming more and more smart.

Reflecting the max out capacity of our usage, this demand is fuel to the next growth economies. smarter devices smarter people.

Which means my processor is so so underutilized and my memory is what's making everything work.

Here are some snapshots of whats to come. 

Will we take off like the sixties?

Will we take off like the sixties?

Foretasted Growth

Foretasted Growth

Forecast 2021

Forecast 2021

Traffic Forecast 2015-2020

Traffic Forecast 2015-2020

Global Devices and Connections Growth

Global Devices and Connections Growth

Global IP Video Traffic Growth

Global IP Video Traffic Growth

Global mobile phone website traffic share from 2009 to 2018, do we have the same level of growth? or have we maxed out?

Global mobile phone website traffic share from 2009 to 2018, do we have the same level of growth? or have we maxed out?

Days of the week performance.

Days of the week performance.

53% CAGR 2015-2020

53% CAGR 2015-2020
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