Pakistan's prime minister Imran Khan fake video tweet.
Pakistan's prime minister Imran Khan fake video tweet.
Pakistan's prime minister Imran Khan's fake video tweet. Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan was caught pants down by tweeting a video showing Bangladesh protests but instead he intended to show it as injustices been done to Indian Muslims in India

The Story teller. Imran Khan.

Pakistan's prime minister Imran Khan's fake video tweet. Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan was caught pants down by tweeting a video showing Bangladesh protests but instead he intended to show it as injustices been done to Indian Muslims in India. Bad Propaganda Artist Khan was later known to withdraw his attendance from the Malaysia Islamic Summit on the pressures imposed upon him Saudi Arabia, who wouldn't sit to discuss on the same table, with arch rival Iran.

In the above video, Indian Muslims lawmaker calls out his fake news and destroys his propaganda.

Pakistan's prime minister Imran Khan fake video tweet.

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