Military operations in Nagorno-Karabakh: a preliminary balance sheet
Military operations in Nagorno-Karabakh: a preliminary balance sheet
Azerbaijan has significantly increased its defence capabilities, and it's showing on the battlefield.

The Nagorno-Karabakh region is witnessing the largest military operations since the 1990s. Back then, Armenian separatists waged a full-fledged war against Azerbaijan to occupy this region and its surrounding seven districts.

Recent clashes in the Nagorno-Karabakh started on 27 September as the Azerbaijani army decided to respond to several Armenian provocations. The tensions were already high after the confrontation in Tovuz a few months ago. Since then, both sides held joint military exercises with Turkey and Russia, respectively. Therefore, the flare-up is no surprise. 

The first ten days of the military operations reveal some important developments, which have not been witnessed before. 

Firstly, the Azerbaijani Army is not the same underfunded and dispirited entity that existed in the 1990s. Azerbaijan has been investing highly in its defence capacity over the past decade, spending over $2 billion a year to enhance its capabilities. 

Baku has partnered with Ankara, Moscow and Tel Aviv to source the latest military technologies. While Russia remains the largest supplier of the Azerbaijani arsenal, Turkey and Israel tend to supply the high-tech weaponry.

The extensive usage of drones by Azerbaijan has changed the outlook of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Israeli-made kamikaze drones IAI Harop, and Turkish-made Bayraktar TB2 UCAVs gave the Azerbaijani side air superiority, which is critical in such mountainous terrain. 

Drone warfare is used to soften enemy targets before ground forces move into the battlefield. This strategy allowed Baku to preserve its troops while demoralising Armenian forces by keeping them on continuous alert. 

Armenia continues to reap the fruits of its membership to the Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO). Russia delivers armaments to Yerevan either free of charge or based on Russian-supplied military credits. 

Just recently, several reports indicated that Moscow was delivering loads of military cargo via Iranian airspace both before the July clashes and during the latest confrontation. The non-stop Russian military weapons supply to Armenian forces is a major factor that has prevented Yerevan's troops from total collapse. 

After feeling the heat in Nagorno Karabakh, the Armenian strategy consisted of spreading hostilities beyond the occupied region to other Azerbaijani territories. While the Azerbaijani Army is successfully retrieving chunks of Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenian forces are retaliating by using Soviet-made short and mid-range missiles to hit Azerbaijani towns such as Ganja, Tartar and Barda. Yerevan's choice of these targets was deliberate: the aim is to inflict massive civilian losses and raise the political and economic cost for Baku. 

Moreover, strategic energy facilities, such as Mingachevir HPP and Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, were also on the hit list. This move demonstrates the Armenian is attempting to undermine the energy security and infrastructure of the entire region. 

However, experts also claim that the targeting of civilians and infrastructure was planned to try and draw Baku into attacking Armenia directly. Such a reaction would boost Yerevan's propaganda and would offer Armenia a legitimate case to call the CSTO to send its troops to Armenia. 

The UN Security Council and the OSCE have failed to address the root causes of the problem, preferring to call for an immediate ceasefire. Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev argued that such a ceasefire has no purpose except to preserve the status-quo that prolongs the Armenian occupation. 

One of the Minsk Group's co-chairs, France, openly stated its position against Azerbaijan's legitimate right to control its territory as per international law. President Emmanuel Macron declared his opposition against Azerbaijan's so-called 'conquest' of Nagorno-Karabakh. Such rhetoric puts the neutrality and impartiality of the Minsk Group under question. 

Lastly, the last ten days have impacted decision-making in both countries. Azerbaijan is expressing a greater determination to solve the conflict conclusively via military means. The lethargy of the international community and the perpetual status-quo has forced Baku to engage in such a strategy. On the other hand, Armenia has witnessed failure on multiple fronts, militarily, diplomatically, and in the information war.

It seems that Turkey and Russia will play lead roles in mediation and the ensuing peace process. Since the beginning of the latest confrontation, Ankara has shown its full support to Baku and even mentioned military assistance, if needed. However, Yerevan has not gathered the forceful Russian support as the Armenian leadership may have presumed. Moscow is still avoiding direct involvement and is officially calling for a ceasefire while respecting the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

The first diplomatic meeting amidst the military operations will be held in Geneva under the supervision of the OSCE and will be followed in Moscow a few days later. Azerbaijan is standing firm on its conditions for the ceasefire: the end of the occupation or at least a guaranteed schedule for the Armenian withdrawal from occupied Nagorno-Karabakh. 

Whether the Azerbaijani terms for the ceasefire will be accepted in either Geneva or Moscow remains to be seen. Until then, Azerbaijan a will very likely continue its campaign for the liberation of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Azerbaijan vs Armenia - Nagorno Karabakh Current Situation in Moscow For Talk - Haqeeqat Tv News

Azerbaijan says it has reclaimed land occupied by Armenia during clashes over Friday and Saturday which left 12 Azerbaijani soldiers dead.

According to a statement from Azerbaijan's defence ministry, the army launched operations in the Agdere, Terter, Agdam, Hocavend and Fuzuli regions to protect civilian lives.

The ministry added that its forces had reclaimed some strategic hills and residential zones.

Azerbaijan's defence ministry also said six Armenian tanks and 15 cannons were destroyed and more than 100 Armenian soldiers killed or injured.

The statement also said one of its MI-24 helicopters had been downed by Armenian forces.

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Aliyev on Saturday to pay condolences for the soldiers martyred by Armenian forces along the border.

Armenia and Azerbaijan fought a six-year war over occupied Karabakh in the early 1980s until a 1994 ceasefire.


A shaky ceasefire between Azerbaijan and ethnic Armenian forces in Nagorno-Karabakh entered into force on Saturday after a deal was struck in Moscow between Baku and Armenia to allow prisoners and the bodies of the dead to be exchanged.

It was not immediately clear how long the ceasefire, which began at midday local time, would last and how effective it would be. There were reports from both sides of continued fighting in the run-up, and the two countries also alleged serious breaches after it got underway.

The Moscow ceasefire talks were the first diplomatic contact between the two sides since fighting over the mountainous enclave erupted on Sept. 27, killing hundreds of people. The enclave is internationally-recognised as part of Azerbaijan but is populated and governed by ethnic Armenians.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who helped mediate between the two sides, said in a statement in the early hours of Saturday after more than 10 hours of negotiations that the ceasefire had been agreed on humanitarian grounds.

The International Committee of the Red Cross would help make the truce work, he said.

“The specific terms of the ceasefire still need to be agreed,” said Lavrov, who said Armenia and Azerbaijan had also agreed to enter into what he called substantive peace talks.

Those talks would be held under the auspices of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe’s (OSCE) Minsk Group, he said.

Armenian Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan and his Azeri counterpart Jeyhun Bayramov did not speak to reporters in Moscow after striking the ceasefire deal.

But Mnatsakanyan later paid tribute on Armenian state TV to Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom he said had played a key role in making sure the talks happened and had personally intervened to help get an agreement.

Turkey, which has strongly backed Baku, welcomed the deal but said much more was needed.

“The humanitarian ceasefire is a significant first step but will not stand for a lasting solution,” the Turkish foreign ministry said in a statement.

“Turkey emphasized that it will support any solution approved by Azerbaijan. Turkey will continue to stand by Azerbaijan in the field and at the table”.

Rival allegations

The Azeri defense ministry in a statement accused ethnic Armenian forces of shelling populated areas on Saturday morning ahead of the ceasefire, an allegation Yerevan denied.

Armenia’s defense ministry, which said forces in the enclave had been ordered to halt fighting from midday, in turn accused the Azeris of using attack drones on a populated settlement inside Armenia and said it looked like Baku was trying to change the facts on the ground before the truce took hold.

Ethnic Armenian officials in Nagorno-Karabakh also accused the Azeris of firing missiles at Stepanakert, the biggest town in the region, but said there was no data on casualties yet.

Baku denied shelling or using drones against civilian areas.

Nagorno-Karabakh officials said that 28 members of their defense forces had been killed in fighting since Friday.

Renewed fighting in the decades-old conflict has raised fears of a wider war drawing in Turkey, a close ally of Azerbaijan, and Russia, which has a defense pact with Armenia.

The clashes have also increased concern about the security of pipelines that carry Azeri oil and gas to Europe.

The fighting is the worst since a 1991-94 war that killed about 30,000 people and ended with a ceasefire that has been violated repeatedly.


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