Mughle Azam is Finished! The story doesn’t end
Mughle Azam is Finished! The story doesn’t end
Mughle Azam Bar and Grill has been shutdown since March 2013 and yet each day people go looking cause here once stood a beautiful bar and restaurant grill which no more exists yet I went looking and this is what I find.

Unit 21 he leased to workers who live like squatters on 17m piece.

Unit 19 he is making an office and show room.

Mughle Azam Bar and Grill has been shutdown since March 2013 and yet each day people go looking cause here once stood a beautiful bar and restaurant grill which no more exists yet I went looking and this is what I find.

So I went looking for them, but found something totally different. 

I had followed the Facebook group here which was very active. 

the story continues

I found another group hosting events there.

Once there was great food here.

Once there was great food here.

I even found a video about them. Mughle Azam Bar and Grill Kuala Lumpur

Guess What do I find on my visit today?

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