Live: China 🇨🇳 Official Briefing on the latest coronavirus prevention
Live: China 🇨🇳 Official Briefing on the latest coronavirus prevention
Live: China 🇨🇳 Official Briefing on the latest coronavirus prevention. Suggesting paranoia could also make people sick 🤕. Governments are in panic mode themselves.

Taiwan broadens travel ban on Hong Kong, Macau

Further restrictions on people travelling from Hong Kong and Macau to Taiwan will be introduced on Tuesday because of the escalating outbreak, the island’s Mainland Affairs Council said on Monday.

As people in Beijing returned to work after an extended Lunar New Year holiday, state media reported about a 50 per cent drop in subway passengers compared with a normal working day.

Commuters arriving without wearing a face mask would be advised to leave the station, China Global Television Network – the international division of state broadcaster CCTV – said on Twitter on Monday.

“So far the virus has not mutated in Guangdong, and this makes us more confident in our quarantine work,” Zhong said, adding that the key indicator to assess the epidemic was the growth of new cases.

Zhong is leading a panel of medical experts advising the government on how to tackle the outbreak.

Guangdong stepped up its containment measures from Monday, requiring people buying fever and cough medicine in the province’s pharmacies to register their name and have their temperature taken, according to state media.

Live: Briefing on the latest coronavirus prevention and control 国务院联防联控机制疫情通报发布会

Come here mister, catch this airdrop

Wuhan has built 3 makeshift hospitals with a total of 4,000 beds

... more; Are governments spooking us.
Digital Nomad

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