Singapore raises virus alert, sparking panic buying across supermarkets
Singapore raises virus alert, sparking panic buying across supermarkets
Singapore raises virus alert, sparking panic buying across supermarkets and active messaging by Coronavirus Task Force. Dr John Campbell updates latest.

Doctor John Campbell Morning update on Coronavirus

Singapore Coronavirus TaskForce in ACTION 🚨 alerts

[Sent by - 8 Feb]

*Stay united and calm, take precautions and carry on* 

_Full details:

With DORSCON Orange, we have enhanced measures to protect S'poreans. 

Singapore is better prepared today from our SARS experience. We have adequate mask supplies and Personal Protective Equipment, better medical capabilities and trained healthcare workers. 

Experts say the new virus is more infectious than SARS but much less dangerous. 

The situation is evolving and the Government will respond promptly and dynamically.

Let’s do our part by:

💧 Washing hands often with soap

🙆‍♂Avoid touching eyes or face

🌡 Taking your temperature twice-daily

👩‍⚕ Visiting a doctor if unwell, and avoiding crowded places

Fear can do more harm than nCoV. Please avoid:

❌ Spreading rumours online

❌ Panic buying food or masks

❌ Blaming others for the outbreak

❤Let’s stay calm and help one another. Show support for our healthcare workers, volunteers and those maintaining services to keep Singapore running.

Singapore raises virus alert, sparking panic buying across supermarkets

8 February 2020 supermarket crisis in Singapore

Singapore panic buying because of Corona Virus

[Sent by - 8 Feb]

*Let’s be Calm & Considerate. We can get through this together*

🟠 What is DORSCON orange?

- It means that more measures are introduced to minimise the risk of further spread.

- These measures will mainly impact large-scale events, the workplace, and vulnerable groups like children or the elderly.

🤔 What should I do? 

- Good personal hygiene is still the best method to keep the virus away.

- Wash your hands with soap and water, avoid touching your face.

- Take temperature twice daily🌡and look out for fever and respiratory symptoms (e.g. cough, runny nose).

- If you are unwell, wear a mask, avoid crowds and see a doctor promptly👨‍⚕

🛒 There is no need to rush and stock up on food

- There are sufficient supplies of food, and supermarkets have been restocking their shelves.

- Hoarding will only cause anxiety and deprive others who really need these things. 

- Let’s do the right thing and not buy more than we need to.

Why you don’t need to stockpile food:

Update Corona Virus in Singapore | Kondisi Terkini Singapore Akibat Virus Corona

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